Examen Final Ventas
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Pregunta 1 de 20
1. Pregunta
_______ allows a company to manage sales operations quickly and efficiently.
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Pregunta 2 de 20
2. Pregunta
Cómo se dice Manejo de Contratos de Venta?
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Pregunta 3 de 20
3. Pregunta
________ helps to maintain prices for items.
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Pregunta 4 de 20
4. Pregunta
_______ is made in response to enquiry from a customer.
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Pregunta 5 de 20
5. Pregunta
______ is offering something extra to get the prospect to close, such as a free month of service or a discount
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Pregunta 6 de 20
6. Pregunta
________ are an effective way of identifying buyers.
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Pregunta 7 de 20
7. Pregunta
Allowable _________ may be configured to vary from user to user.
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Pregunta 8 de 20
8. Pregunta
_________ presenting your potential client with a gift at the beginning of your interaction.
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Pregunta 9 de 20
9. Pregunta
________ is giving the prospect a sample or a free trial to review and evaluate your service.
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Pregunta 10 de 20
10. Pregunta
If you _______ you can help the customer understand the solution better by explaining it in easy to grasp terms.
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Pregunta 11 de 20
11. Pregunta
________ is creating urgency by expressing that time is of the essence.
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Pregunta 12 de 20
12. Pregunta
_______helps to control account of general ledger.
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Pregunta 13 de 20
13. Pregunta
Finding potential customers is also known as ______.
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Pregunta 14 de 20
14. Pregunta
______ is asking a question to get the prospect interested.
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Pregunta 15 de 20
15. Pregunta
_______ is assuming the sale and offering the prospect a choice, where both options close the sale.
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Pregunta 16 de 20
16. Pregunta
_____ is the follow-up stage that keeps you in contact with customers you have closed.
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Pregunta 17 de 20
17. Pregunta
The first step in the Sales Process is _________.
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Pregunta 18 de 20
18. Pregunta
Evaluating whether the customers need your product or service and can afford it is now as________.
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Pregunta 19 de 20
19. Pregunta
To _______ is the easiest step when you handle objections.
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Pregunta 20 de 20
20. Pregunta
________ is offering something extra to get the prospect to close, such as a free month of service or a discount.
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